Our Blog
How Are Motorcycle Accident Claims Different From Car Accident Claims?
When in the midst of a motorcycle accident, some victims and even their lawyers unfairly compare them with car accidents. While these situations can be similar (a negligent third party causes a vehicle accident, harming an innocent victim), a lot of the circumstances impacting motorcycle accident victims are things other motorists don’t have to…
How Do You Prove Negligence in a Slip and Fall Case?
When you’re trying to understand your situation after a slip-and-fall accident in Oklahoma City, you likely have a lot of questions, as slip-and-fall cases can be very complex. In this guide, we hope to demystify many of the facets that govern them. Need help after reading? Give us a call at (405) 397-1717. Our…
What Damages Can I Get After a Motorcycle Accident?
You may have some questions after being in a motorcycle accident in Oklahoma City. How do you receive justice after your accident? What can result from filing a case in civil court? But one of the most common questions we receive when helping motorcycle accident victims is what damages a victim is eligible to…
What’s The Cost Of A Car Accident in Oklahoma City?
Whenever you or a loved one is in a car accident, the first thing on your mind is likely about the health and safety of the individual involved. Sadly, the second thing on your mind is all too likely the cost associated with this accident and how you’ll be able to pay for what…
Will Bias Towards Motorcyclists Affect My Case?
In the state of Oklahoma, there are prime stretches of highway through some of the most scenic roads – perfect for motorcycling. Add to that that Oklahoma has the longest section of Route 66 in the entire country, and you have a recipe for bikers getting out and enjoying the fresh air. But, unfortunately,…
What Should I Do After Hiring an Oklahoma Personal Injury Attorney?
So you’ve been injured by a negligent third party, made the right decision, and chose an Oklahoma City personal injury lawyer. Now what? In this guide, we’ll examine what to do after you’ve agreed to work with a lawyer, giving you a step-by-step process for what to do throughout your healing journey. If you…
How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney In Oklahoma City?
After being in an accident caused by a negligent third party, you’re most likely facing new challenges and experiences you weren’t anticipating. Unless you’ve done any work in the legal system before, this is likely your first time engaging with it, and, odds are, you’re likely unsure of how the process works, what to…
Will My Personal Injury Case Go To Court In Oklahoma City?
When you’re healing from a personal injury caused by a third party’s negligent action or inaction, you may be intimidated by the prospect of your case going to trial. According to the most recent statistics collected, only 5% of civil cases go to trial, with 95% of cases being settled before trial. Therefore, only…
How Long Does A Personal Injury Claim Take In Oklahoma?
When you or a loved one is struggling amid mounting medical bills and expenses, a common question you may be wondering is: when will I get compensation? While the civil process isn’t instantaneous, it does work fairly efficiently. However, many factors can affect how your case goes through the settlement process. So, in this…
Can I File An Injury Claim For A Loved One?
When the worst happens to a loved one, you may be left in shock and confusion regarding what you can do to help them. Of course, you want to be there for them in every possible way – but does this extend to taking their case to court? The good news is that it…