How Are Motorcycle Accident Claims Different From Car Accident Claims?

When in the midst of a motorcycle accident, some victims and even their lawyers unfairly compare them with car accidents. While these situations can be similar (a negligent third party causes a vehicle accident, harming an innocent victim), a lot of the circumstances impacting motorcycle accident victims are things other motorists don’t have to…

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What Damages Can I Get After a Motorcycle Accident?

You may have some questions after being in a motorcycle accident in Oklahoma City. How do you receive justice after your accident? What can result from filing a case in civil court?  But one of the most common questions we receive when helping motorcycle accident victims is what damages a victim is eligible to…

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Will Bias Towards Motorcyclists Affect My Case?

In the state of Oklahoma, there are prime stretches of highway through some of the most scenic roads – perfect for motorcycling. Add to that that Oklahoma has the longest section of Route 66 in the entire country, and you have a recipe for bikers getting out and enjoying the fresh air.  But, unfortunately,…

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The most dangerous crash risks for motorcyclists

While offering a unique sense of freedom and excitement, motorcycle riding comes with a unique set of risks. Due to their lack of protection and smaller visual presence, motorcyclists often face more significant dangers than other vehicle drivers. Understanding the most threatening types of crashes is vital for motorcyclists who hope to remain safe…

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